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Instructional Videos & Tips

Thank you for your purchase.  When operated as intended, it will be a great asset to your team’s site production, safety, and worker well-being.


The Staple Wasp Staple Gun was designed to provide a light weight and dependable solution for erosion control blanket installation, landscape fabric, liners and sod laying in sloped areas. The Staple Wasp is constructed of lightweight and durable material, the machined aluminum and hardened steel is designed with the kind of demands required of equipment used daily in the field. There are a few safety considerations that are recommended to the user to provide a safe a productive tool for your team out in the field.


Getting started:

  • Place the staple carriage on your Staple Wasp Gun in the locked rear position so there is no forward tension.

  • Place a clip of 50 staples on the carriage of the Wasp and manual slide the clip forward inside of the inverted U grooves at the front of the carriage.

  • Release the tension spring button while holding the carriage handle with the other hand. Do not let the carriage slam forward on the staple clip, as it could break the clip of staples in more than one brick and affect the staple feed towards the end of the clip.

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